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hi. hello. welcome to tery's corner!

welcome, visitor!


Hey there! Thanks for being here. I'm Tery Gasmen. I'm a writer, illustrator and a comic artist (among many other things), and here's where I carve my own cozy space on the internet.

You will find me on a few digital spaces like Tumblr, Reddit, and Instagram (although I admit my presence on these sites are relatively sparse if not absolute zero since i'm gradually migrating over to the fediverse), but this is where I will be POSSEing my posts. I do have a linktree for easy giveaway if you want a master list of where you can find me all over the web.

That said, I select pretty constrictively what I publish on these platforms so whatever you encounter on this site will be the primary version of whatever I produce and make publicly available, at least at the time of conception of this website.

These days, I've been marinating the thought of taking a giant leap into the IndieWeb. The three main bullet points listed on their front page are closely reminiscent of what I want the internet to be. And for a while, I was using Hypothesis avidly, similar to IndieWeb's principle on decentralization.

This is just a quick intro so my thoughts and plans on this department will be elaborated on in the future. In the meantime, if you're curious, you can always go to IndieWeb's website. For actual examples, I recommend looking at Chris Aldrich's or David Shankse's.

This website is quite obviously in its infancy so there are tedious tasks in my backlog that I slowly chip away at during my meager free time. BUT for quick onboarding:

  1. the welcome page is essentially the entry-point and you decide where it takes you from there
  2. comic updates page: where I post BTS stuff of my comic projects
  3. website maintenance page: extensive news about website updates and plans. The WEBSITE CHECKLIST in the sidebar is the TLDR of it.
  4. GUESTBOOK: come say hi! i will say hi back...

Some things to note before you go any further:

  1. a lot of lowercase text: I text a lot of my thoughts to myself in my phone. The bulk of the writing I do, even the long-form ones, are basically telegram messages. If I happen to care a lot about a specific page, I try to format it nicely in my computer, but I don't bother most of the time.
  2. lack of comments section: the temporary solution—first, install Hypothesis into your choice of browser, enable it and voila, the comments section will appear as another layer on the web.